Story of Panther


The story of Panther starting in year 2005. In my breed I had one pair of Morelia spilota cheynei. I had 4 eggs of which hatched three babies and two were black, did not want to eat and survive only black male and my kids called him simply Panther. I wanted to know if it is a hereditary color or not. The male had problems with growth and nourishment, When he had two years I bought nice female for him. Next year she had with him only 7 of fertilized eggs and no black baby was not there. Next year also wasn´t in clutch black baby from 6 eggs. In year 2010 I had clutch of 8 babies and still haven´t black baby. So I decided that it is not dominant or co-dominant form and simply the Panther is only rare animal and his hypermelanistic gene not hereditary. Last year I planned copulation of Panther with his female but she not started ovulate, it was reason why he had copulation with a female from his first clutch and in this November finally were born black babies. And male and female from first clutch (Panther´s babies) also had black babies from their copulation. So hypermelanistic gene is hereditary in my opinion, and I would venture to say that it is recessive gene. This is a new morph and will be finest if will be possible to admit in terraristic world with name Panther.

If you are serious and have interest for some babies or informations you can write me.

Kind regards Petr Kratěna


Panther x M.s. cheynei 100% Het Panther

13 babies -  2,5 Panther, 2,4 100% Het Panther


M.s.cheynei 100% Het Panther x M.s.cheynei 100% Het Panther

7 babies - 2,0 Panthers, 3,2 poss. 66% Het Panther